Something that I have always wanted to blog about, but never had the courage, is Number Two people. My daddy has always said that there are two types of people in the world: Number Ones and Number Twos. The Number Twos do not want to be Number Ones, they just want the Number Ones to be Number Twos with them. How right is this?! I've been seeing it so often lately. Jealousy and envy of those close to us. If we can't have it, we don't want anyone else to either.
I've have always made it a big part of my life to try and not be envious of others. Sure, there's been times, but I've always managed it pretty well. I just think of how blessed I truly and and go on with my day. But people---come on, some of us are way to jealous. Think you aren't? Do you gossip?-You're jealous. (But I really don't need to get started on gossiping)...Do you want things you don't have?-You're envious. Do you get upset when your friends hang out with other people?-You're jealous! When friends/family go through really happy times, are you happy for them?-If not, you're jealous!!
We've got to stop being Number Two people. You'll never be happy wishing you had this, or that. God gives you what He knows you need, and other's differently. When you are envious of someone, you're really just saying that what God gave you wasn't good enough. Ever think about it that way?...
Make it a daily habit in your life to pray that you won't have jealousy. Rejoice when great circumstances happen to those close around you. Be happy for what you have, because I promise you, you are blessed.