But he said to them, "I must proclaim the good news of the kingdom of God to the other cities also; for I was sent for this purpose." Luke 4:43

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Midnight Redemption

Midnight Redemption is the high school band at my church, Millbrook Baptist. This past Sunday night they had a High School Night of Worship that they organized and put on with little help. It was a beautiful night with tons of high school kids praising our Lord (I think they had around 75!!) Praise the Lord.

Now this night touched my heart a little deeper, maybe than others, because my very own baby brother was in it. Slayton is the acoustic guitar (and even sang a little) and he did so awesome! I have been so proud and so excited watching God transform my brother's life into something so amazing. Slayton has really given everything he has to God and has been searching for his place. He has felt a calling into Music Ministry and is looking to purse it in college, and of course every chance he gets while still in high school. I am just so proud of this boy!So watching him lead this band in front of 75 high school kids, some college and adults, just made my heart so happy. I'm so thankful for such a Godly family.

I am so excited for what God is going to continue to do through this band. Each person in Midnight Redemption is such a beautiful child of God and I'm blessed to have them in my church and life. Keep being such an example to His kingdom and a light for others guys! Love you all!

Lead Singer-Allie Blissit
Acoustic- Slayton Johnson
Lead Guitar- Jevon Garcia
Bass- Justin Leonard
Drums- Brody Harper
Check them out on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=128513700526155&v=info#!/group.php?gid=128513700526155&v=wall


Corey said...

Thanks Chelsea for posting this! I shared it on my page. That band has won my heart...Slayton is growing to be a great leader.

jamie said...

The best is yet to come for them! They first stepped out on faith, now God will continue to lead them down an exciting path! Cant wait for their next appearance! God is doing BIG things within our church!

jamie said...