Okay, so this is a blog post I've been wanting to do for a LONG time. I consulted quite a few women and other girls on it before doing this. A lot say no-and a lot said yes. I'm going with it. God has laid this one big time on my heart.
It's on gossip. I'm so tired of my Christian sisters GOSSIPING! Seriously girl, you've got to stop.
Now I am NOT perfect, in any way, but several months ago, God laid it on my heart to stop gossiping. And I felt VERY convicted from then on, when I said something rude about anyone. I am still praying a lot about this, and working everyday to not gossip (or talk crap). And I feel personally, like I've done an okay job--not perfect--but better than I was. Because I was definitely one of those girls. You know the type, the ones that sit in the corner with their "friends", talking bad about everyone that walks in. (And by the way, if they're talking bad about someone with you, they're talking bad about you with someone else!--a hard lesson learned for me) ALWAYS something NEGATIVE, never any positive. The ones that just stare through you, up and down, everything you're wearing. The ones that have their nose in the air like they're better than you. Yeah, those girls.
But honestly, IT'S NOT THAT HARD TO STOP. You just have to PRAY.
"God give me a loving heart. Help me to not see people's faults, but to work on my own. Show me everyone's inner and outer beauty, and help me to compliment them, lifting them up, instead of bringing them down. Lord, let me love like You."
Now I've always heard that when you're praying not to do something, or to better anything about you, the devil will always test you in that way. And boy, did he try to get me. A few weeks after God had showed me just how evil it is to gossip I was confronted with just that. I went to a dinner party with some fellow Christian ladies. And what was EVERYONE doing?! GOSSIPING!! The whole entire time. (There was one girl, other than myself, who did not participate). It was seriously ridiculous. It was almost like a contest--who could come up with the worst things to say about everyone else. It actually made me sick to my stomach. I remember driving home that night, calling Will and him saying "Oh, that just girl's. Girls can be rude." But these are CHRISTIAN GIRLS, I thought to myself. Why were they acting like this?! Why did I used to act like this?! This is disgusting. I actually went home that night and practically cried to my parents from being so upset. I guess I hadn't hung out with that many girls in awhile and didn't realize how EVIL they were. OR maybe it was because my true friends, ladies really trying to live with the love of Christ, didn't do that. What a wake-up call! That night put a lot of things in to perspective to me and was a HUGE lesson from God. Yet again, showing me how NASTY GOSSIPING IS and how much better I could show love, if I just didn't talk crap. I tell you what, I think twice before saying something nasty about anyone from now on.
Now again, I am going to restate that I am not perfect-at all. And I'm no better than anyone who does gossip. I'm just saying that God has told me how bad, evil, nasty, ugly, disgusting gossip is and I am trying to tell others about it. I really hope this can be a wake-up call for some girl/lady out there. I really hope that you realize what you're doing, how you're hurting your Christian witness, and seriously check yourself. Because, Girl, You've got to STOP.
"Besides that, they learn to be idle, gaddling about from every house to house; and they are not merely idle, but also GOSSIPS and busybodies, saying what they should not say." 1 Timothy 5:13
"They were filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, covetousness, malice. Full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, craftiness, they are GOSSIPS, slanderers, God-haters, insolent, haughty, boastful, inventors of evil, rebellious towards parents, foolish, faithless, heartless, ruthless." Romans 1:29-31