Heyyyy, my name is Chelsea Johnson.
Thanks for visiting my blog. This is "about me" is like a year after I've started blogging, but sometimes it takes that long to really "find yourself". And for the past year I have done more soul-searching and God-yearning than I ever have. I've pondered about who I am, where I'm going, and reflected on who I was. It's been a crazy year,with more ups and downs than ever but I've learned more than I ever thought I could and I'm excited to learn more about who I am becoming.
I am a Christian. I am deeply, madly, crazy in love with my Savior, Jesus Christ. I am trying to follow Him, wherever He leads. I am His slave, saved by His grace and living in His mercy.
I am a daughter. My parents divorced when I was young which means I've been blessed with four parents pratically my whole life. I am a big sister and absoutely love it. I have three younger siblings whom I adore. Slayton is 17, Raymond is 13, and Kendall is 10.
I am a friend. I love my friends more than they'd ever realize. I'm so thankful that my close friends are Christians and that they're there for me no matter what. It's a huge blessing to have real people in your life.
I am a missonary. I've been on two foreign mission trips already and absoutely cannot wait for when He sends me again. I'll go anywhere He leads. I live for showing people His salvation and letting Him grow the seed.
Some other things that I've grown quite fond of in my twenty years of life are: photography, music, movies, dancing in the rain, praying, worshipping, going on mission trips, shopping and then giving stuff away, dates with my girls (we always end up at Salsa's), watching 80's movies on double dates with my parents, scrapbooking, traveling, cuddling, going to basketball games, quoting movies with my man, church, speaking to groups, camping, hiking & rafting, staying busy, riding roller-coasters, working and anything else that involves the people I love...
So since I said earlier, this blog is who I am, I'm going to be blogging on who I was and who I am becoming in the future. Look for them...it'll be mighty interesting. :-)