But he said to them, "I must proclaim the good news of the kingdom of God to the other cities also; for I was sent for this purpose." Luke 4:43

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

crazy thankful

So evidently I'm really bad at this whole blogging thing...looks to be a few months that I've skipped...but I want to do a post on what I'm most thankful for, since it was just that great holiday.

1. My Saviour!! Jesus Christ is seriously the most amazing for dying for all my sins! Seth Oprea preached last Sunday and he said something that really made me think..."Even it had been just me on this world, just one person, Jesus would have still come down and did the same thing. Died just for me." How awesome is He?!
2. My family: I truly am blessed to be born in such a Christian and loving family.
3. My friends: They're the bomb.com C:
4. School...yes, I said school. Anybody that gets the opportunity to attend college should be crazy thankful for that. It's not something we should take advantage of.

Some pictures from the break of thanks...

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