But he said to them, "I must proclaim the good news of the kingdom of God to the other cities also; for I was sent for this purpose." Luke 4:43

Monday, June 28, 2010

Pray with Your Eyes Open

I did something taboo. I opened my eyes while praying.
It was in Nicaragua during our bible study on Wednesday night. Everyone was praying at the same time, aloud, in Spanish and English. It was the most beautiful thing I have ever heard. Holding hands while speaking to our God, we were all praying for something different. While praying, I would take breaks and try to understand some of the ladies prayers, so that I could pray for them too. Some were thanking God for blessing them with their children and job. Some were crying out with prayer requests about their husbands. Some were asking why people in their life were not saved. Some thanked God for us being there. Some just cried.
But I opened my eyes, while praying out loud, and looked around. I saw Him in every lady in that room. I saw Him in every corner of the building. I saw Him everywhere. It was like nothing I have ever experienced before, it was truly magnificent.
I closed my eyes and keep praying. For the ladies, children, and men in Rio Blanco...for I knew He was there. He was listening. He was loving His children.


Nicaragua was amazing. Such a wonderful mission trip in only one week. We had about 10 people go with us from Millbrook and we went down to minister to the people of Rio Blanco; which is the most beautiful place I have ever seen. God is so good!
We could definitely feel every one's prayers and I am so thankful for those that were praying. The people down there were very interested in everything we told them about God's kingdom.
We got to go to three different places to see children: Ruben Dario escuela, La Ponsana escuela, and the Red Bridge iglesia. Los ninos were always well-behaved and loved playing with us, gringos. :) We taught them about the 10 commandments, God's salvation, and hygiene and how they can remain healthy. Every child got a salvation card and bracelet that we made together, and either a toothbrush and toothpaste or soap and a washcloth. It was so humbling to see people get so excited about these "little" items that we take so for granted.
With las mujeres, we got to make crafts with them at the Ruben Dario school and share the Gospel with them, as well. Such a lively bunch and they really enjoyed knitting, making hair bows and earrings, and painting stained glass look-a-likes. Another day at La Ponsana, we cooked with the women, which was very interesting. The cupcake bread we made, looked kinda ugly, but tasted great. The women were just excited to have learned a new recipe and get some cooking supplies for their own home. That night we had bible study with a few ladies and learned about some of their struggles. We prayed with them which was so beautiful (and I will write another post about an experience here). I think this is when I truly fell in love with the Nicaraguan people. The next day, we got to visit some of the same ladies in their homes and have more talking and sharing time. Every lady and her children were so welcoming to us and made us feel at home. It was a beautiful time.
I must admit, that spending time with the children was my favorite part of the trip. I must have painted 300 faces and hugged 300 kids. It was so neat to speak their language (what little I knew) and talk to them about Jesus, familia, y escuela. They loved hearing us talk and just being near us. I just loved watching them. Children really are God's biggest blessing to us.
I am so thankful that God sent me on this trip and the blessings He poured out around us. We planted seeds all over Rio Blanco and I know that He is taking care of His children, and they are learning more about Him each day.
These are some of my very favorite pictures from the trip. Love...

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Prayer Requests for Nicaragua Trip

I'm leaving this Saturday for a week for Nicaragua. I am so pumped about what the Lord is going to do through our team while we are down there. Prayers would be wonderful, so that God can bless the people we will meet and help us bring His word to them.

This is our schedule. If you could please keep this in your prayers, as it dictates our whole trip.
12:00 Saturday, June 12, leave Aiken for Atlanta
5:45 pm fly out of Atlanta to Nicaragua
7:36 pm arrive in Managua, spend the night (2 hour difference)
8:00 am travel to Rio Blanco
Monday-construction for church foundation & Bible stories, crafts, & hygiene at school
8:00 Men go to La Ponsona,construction;women to Rubin Dario school:4-6 grades.
12:00 lunch break
2:00 Women return to Rubin Dario School: 1-3 grades
Tuesday- construction for church foundation & working with teachers at Rubin Dario
8:00 Same locations. Women work with the teachers doing crafts
12:00 lunch break
2:00 New location, Iglesia Peniel, sharing hygiene & bible stories with children
*6:00 Men's bible study- Pablo's house
Wednesday-construction continues & women to La Ponzona
8:00 All to same area, women have all ages of children for VBS
12:00 lunch
2:00 baking with mothers and sharing Jesus and men at construction sight
*6:00 women's study at Claudio and Pablo's house. Compassion to women.
Thursday - construction for men- La Ponsona
8:00 men to construction sight
9:00 women visiting womens homes *prayer needs listed-Rio Blanco
12:00 lunch
2:00 continue visiting women in Rio Blanco and men at construction sight.
6:00 dinner and packing up. Sharing with Pablo & family, giving gifts.
Friday- travel to Managua.
7:00 leave for guest house, visit volcano, possible shopping
Saturday- June 19
7:35 am fly out of Managua to Atlanta
1:21 pm arrive in Atlanta
5:30 to 6:00 pm estimated arrival in Aiken!

Some of the specfic women that we will be ministering to are as follows, please pray for them and their situations.
Sandra - 27 yrs old married w? 2 daughters, suffers from domestic violence. Her husband is unfaithful and is an alcoholic

Yubelka - 30 yrs od married with 3 children, husband is unfaithful.
Eufemia - 39 yrs. od with 4 children, victim of domestic violence, alcoholic husband.
Marta - 38 yrs. single mother with 2 teenage daughters
Maria - 34 yrs. old married with 3 children. Pastor's wife, husband's ministry is starting and she is trying to adapt.
Josefa -45 yrs old, married with 7 children. Has been indecisive about accepting Christ
Elba- married with 5 children. Alcoholic husband. She beats her husband.
Joselyn 26 yrs. old, single mother with 2 children. She's involved with a married man
Vanessa - 31 yrs. old. Marries with 2 children. She and her husband drink liquor
Jenny - 26 yrs old, single mother with one baby. Indecisive about accepting Christ.
Yuri - 28 yrs old, married with one child who has Down Syndrome. Her husband left her.
Emma - 50 years old. Single mother with 4 children. Indecisive about accepting Christ.

If you could also pray for all the children that we will come in contact with. We have many salvation tools that we will be sharing with them and really hope that they come to know our Lord, Jesus Christ.
Thank you so much for your prayers and support. I will post after the trip so everyone knows how it went. God bless...