But he said to them, "I must proclaim the good news of the kingdom of God to the other cities also; for I was sent for this purpose." Luke 4:43

Monday, June 28, 2010

Pray with Your Eyes Open

I did something taboo. I opened my eyes while praying.
It was in Nicaragua during our bible study on Wednesday night. Everyone was praying at the same time, aloud, in Spanish and English. It was the most beautiful thing I have ever heard. Holding hands while speaking to our God, we were all praying for something different. While praying, I would take breaks and try to understand some of the ladies prayers, so that I could pray for them too. Some were thanking God for blessing them with their children and job. Some were crying out with prayer requests about their husbands. Some were asking why people in their life were not saved. Some thanked God for us being there. Some just cried.
But I opened my eyes, while praying out loud, and looked around. I saw Him in every lady in that room. I saw Him in every corner of the building. I saw Him everywhere. It was like nothing I have ever experienced before, it was truly magnificent.
I closed my eyes and keep praying. For the ladies, children, and men in Rio Blanco...for I knew He was there. He was listening. He was loving His children.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


You are bringing tears to my eyes. That was a beautiful moment, wasn't it? When I came back home three years ago after going to Nicaragua, I never sang praises in church the same. It just hit me what heaven would truly be like....every tongue, every nation all singing praises to our great God...they wouldn't all be like me.

God has a plan for you my sweet friend. Continue to follow, surrender, and obey. God is at work, and He wants you to be a grand part of it. I love you so much!

Mrs. Shanda