But he said to them, "I must proclaim the good news of the kingdom of God to the other cities also; for I was sent for this purpose." Luke 4:43

Monday, January 24, 2011

Stop Complaining

Ok, so whenever I blog up here, it is always about something that I've been directly dealing with. This past week, I've had several conversations with different people about food. Yup, food. And in each conversation I took part of, someone was complaining about the food we eat (I complained as well, like I said I blog about things I'm currently dealing with). Whether or not it was because of something in the meal they didn't like, steak not being cook "well" enough, somewhere being too expensive, or a diet not having tasty enough choices, it was all complaining.
As I took part in this, a friend in one of my classes actually brought up as how we as Americans, are SO PICKY and don't realize just how GOOD WE HAVE IT. And then I began to think just how right he was--I've been to the third-world countries, where if they eat ONE MEAL A DAY, they are praising God! And I'm over here complaining because we're eating at Five Guys again and it's not good enough for me?! Who am I to complain as a Jesus Follower, knowing how people in other countries are living?! Later that day, I became really disappointed in myself and mad that I had forgotten how it was in third-world countries.
So I ask you to look at these pictures and put yourself in the place of one of these Kenyan children--your child, your brother or sister, your friend, your grand-daughter/son...imagine if they were sharing beans and rice with hundreds of other children--and that was their ONLY meal for that day.

 They didn't complain about their meal. Why should we?

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Sticky Notes

About two months ago, God put an amazing opportunity in my life. Now for about two weeks before this event took place, I was in my the Word everyday, just reading up on different verses. I can normally always find a verse that I really needed to read and I love that about God. Even when a verse doesn't directly apply to me, He always puts someone on my mind to send the verse too. However, for about two weeks, I couldn't find any verses that were affecting me, or that I thought related to anyone else, like I thought they should. So I just began putting sticky notes on each verse I found, figuring God would tell me when I could go back and it would apply to my life.
Throughout this time, I had been praying for someone for about three months for someone I knew (getting somewhat impatient with God), when finally my Lord allowed me to share the gospel with this person. It was an amazing conversation, that he actually brought up. We talked about Jesus, the world ending, sinning when you're a Christian and when you're not, and a lot of other stuff. I even had my bible with me, so we looked at several different scriptures and just whet from there with more conversation. I really enjoyed just sharing my beliefs without "pushing" Jesus on him.
At the end of the conversation, he mentioned that if he had a Bible, he might just read it. Whoaaaaaaa. And then I literally heard God speak audibly to me. Now,  not audibly to where anyone else could hear Him; but it was like He was yelling in my ear "Give him your bible, Chelsea". So I asked him that if I gave mine to him would he read it. He said yes--that he might not tonight, but would soon, when he felt it was the right time. So I took out my bookmark and a picture I had put in it, and handed it over. He smiled but looked at me somewhat confused and asked where should he start reading it. Yet again, I heard God and this time almost started to cry from what He was telling me..."The sticky notes, Chelsea..." God said. So I told my friend, "anything that has a sticky note by it, or that is already underlined or highlighted." He seemed excited and we parted ways.
We've talked a few times since that night and I still pray for him daily. I'm writing this tonight to ask that you pray for my friend; that he will read his bible and come to realize just how much Jesus loves him . So when the time is right, He comes to be part of God's family. And also so that you know God can work through your prayers in big ways, when you least expect it. He is preparing you for something huge, as long as you allow Him to live through you. He used me putting sticky notes in my Bible to be a bookmark for someone that's never even opened a Bible.
My God does amazing things when we let Him. Are you allowing Him to do those things through you?

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


It's been about a week since I've been back from Passion...and let's just say, that I'm just barely still processing everything that happened and everything I learned.

Christian vs. Jesus follower...anyone can say that they're a Christian, but to be a follower of Jesus Christ requires daily commitment. A relationship that you desire to have and build on everyday, multiple times a day.

David Platt spoke about how in other countries people that follow Jesus are persecuted EVERYDAY. When's the last time you were persecuted for loving Jesus; like really persecuted? I certainly don't get persecuted as often as I should. Francis Chan said that we should even be joyful in persecution. Does that sound like you? Or would you start complaining as soon as someone else questioned you because of your faith? We should live daily like Jesus did.

Appetites...what rules your thoughts, decisions, and actions? That is your appetite and either it will rule you, or you will rule it? Andy Stanly says your response to this will determine the course and quality of your life; and whether or not you follow God's will for your life. Appetites can be: progress, responsibility, respect, acceptance, love, things, etc.

This is honestly just a few things that have been really pressing on my heart these past few days...