This year was my second time to Nicaragua, one of the most beautiful places on the earth. We took a team of 16 from Millbrook to travel to Rio Blanco to work with the church planters, Pablo and Claudia Garcia. I was really excited about going back this year, because I was hoping that some of the children and women would remember me and that I could build on those relationships and make new ones. That proved true and it was so amazing working on those relationships.
The first day there, we went to La Ponsona school and had 16 salivations! The kids there are really shy and introverted, so the fact that they responded so well and prayed with us was a really big day. It was a really great way to start the week, because we knew God was already doing such great things.
That afternoon we had a bible study for the women in the church we helped start building last year. There were so many women and children and they were there an hour early. These people walk from all over, miles and miles, just to hear the word of God whenever it's available. It's very humbling to see that. It began to rain really hard while we were there, and the men who were working had no choice but to come up to the church and hear the Word. Just shows how God will bring people to hear Him, no matter what the circumstances.
The rest of the week, we went to several other schools and churches to play and do vacation bible school type things with the children. I always love playing with them and speaking Spanish with them, trying to tell them little things about me and learn unique facts about them. I love how God makes all His children so different, yet we're all made in His image. :)
On this trip, God again confirmed in my heart that He has called me into missions. I've felt this calling for about three years now, but every time He confirms it, it feels like being called all over again. I really don't know where He is going to take me next, or what I'll be doing for Him, but I'm excited to be planting seeds in His Kingdom. :)
Also, my wonderful friend Allie was able to go with me on this trip! It was amazing watching God work through her on her first mission trip. The children loved her and she really mentored to the women, as well. And since she has been blessed with a beautiful voice, she was able to lead us in worship one day at Sandra's house. I have a feeling that she'll definitely be back to Nicaragua soon.
One amazing friendship that both Allie and I made was with our transalator, Luis. He's an awesome man of Christ and has a beautiful soul. His wife wasn't able to travel to Rio Blanco with us, but we met her on the last night. Luis definitely adopted Allie and I as his "American daughters" and he quickly became "dad".
I'm just thankful to have gone on another mission trip and to be used for the Lord's work!
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