God works in such amazing ways, but unfortunately a lot of times we are going about life to fast to notice the things He is doing in our lives. We sit waiting for some huge miracle, when a lot of times He is calling us in small ways. And then, when He does perform something huge, we are too caught up in ourselves to notice it.
So the past few weeks of my life have been seriously life-changing. I have prayed for God to take toxic out of my life; basically anything that I was focusing on, instead of focusing on Him. Turns out, that was a lot. People, things, ideas, He took it all. God doesn't want us spending our time on silly things, when we could be spending it telling others about Him or praising Him.
Well when God takes something bad out of your life, He always replaces it with something better. So I sat for days, weeks, and months waiting on that something good. Then He told me that it was not my time, it was HIS. You see everything that means something to us, means nothing to Him. And a lot of times, everything that means something to Him, means so little to us. Why is this?? Why is He not first and foremost in our lives? Because I have definitely learned that when He is not first, He will fight to be first. He is the only one that deserves us, yet we do not deserve Him. He wants us, desires us, yet we do not desire Him (like we should).
All of this has been going on in the past 7 days of my life. All these thoughts and realizations and prayers have opened up my eyes like nothing before. When God calls us, He does whatever He needs to get our attention, and He most certainly got mine! And would you believe it, when I prayed and waited patiently on His answer, He gave it to me. BODLY He has been answering my questions. Not in my time, but His. Because while we are on this earth we are not living for ourselves (shocker, I know!) but we are living for Him! He placed us here to spread His word. Spread His salvation. Spread His love.
So when we go through hard times, we have got to remember that He has a plan. While we are here, the Lord is refining us and until He takes us to Heaven, He will try to make us more like Jesus. We must remember this. Yeah, we all say that we have faith, but when hard times come, where does that faith go? Much too often we question and get angry, when we should really just praise God.
So I know this post was all over the place, but tonight, so were my thoughts and prayers. Church and Sunday School were just such a blessing today and I hope that some of what I have said, will bless you as well.
And if this post wasn't reason enough to just trust in Him throughout it all, just remember this verse...."If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask for whatever you wish, and it will be done for you." John 15:7
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